Find out what type of home is in your budget by entering a few numbers into our calculator.

See if your income is sufficient to qualify

Desired Mortgage for new home
Total Number of Years on Mortgage
Interest Percentage of Mortgage
Property Taxes on your new Home
Total Monthly Payments in Non-Mortgage Debt
(i.e. car, student loans, credit cards, etc).


Principal & Interest
Total Housing Payment (tax & insurance incl).
Required Salary

Your salary must meet the following two conditions:
  1. Your gross (pre-taxes) monthly salary must be greater than 28% of the sum of the monthly mortgage and monthly tax payments.
  2. Your gross (pre-taxes) monthly salary must be greater than 35% of the sum of the monthly mortgage, monthly tax and other monthly debt payments.

DISCLAIMER: The prequalification figures above are based upon conventional program guidelines. Other loan programs are available. Calculations by this tool are believed to be accurate, yet are not guaranteed. Further review is necessary to obtain an exact qualification."

If you have less than 20% equity in your home, a monthly mortgage insurance payment may be required


Compare your total monthly obligations including your total mortgage payment to your monthly income.

Salary/Wages: $ Other Income: $
Housing Expenses
Property Taxes: $ Hazard Insurance: $
Other Expenses
Auto Payment: $ Credit Cards and Other Payments: $
Loan Term and Interest Rate
Loan Term: Yrs. Interest Rate: %

You may qualify for a maximum monthly mortgage payment (P+I) of: $
You may qualify for a maximum loan amount of: $

Analyze the total cost to rent versus the total cost to own for a specific period of time.

This calculator will help you to compare the costs of renting to the costs of buying a home. Since there are all kinds of forces at work behind the scenes (interest, property taxes, tax savings, appreciation, opportunity costs, closing costs, selling costs, etc.), comparing the cost of renting to the cost of buying is a lot more complicated than just comparing the monthly mortgage payment to the monthly rent payment. This calculator attempts to forecast the net effects of all the hidden forces so you can make an informed decision.

Help Buttons: For pop-up explanations of any of the entry fields, click the radio button next to the description.

Monthly rent ($):
Monthly rental insurance ($):
Expected annual inflation rate (%):
Purchase price of home ($):
Down payment amount ($):
Length of mortgage term (# of years):
Mortgage's annual interest rate (%):
Discount points on purchase of home (%):
Origination fees (%):
Other loan costs ($):
Mortgage Insurance (PMI %):
Homeowner's insurance rate (%):
Monthly association dues ($):
Average monthly maintenance ($):
Annual property tax ($):
State plus Federal income tax rate (%):
Interest rate you expect to earn on savings (%):
Expected percentage your home will appreciate by each year (%):
Number of years you will stay at this property:
Realtor commission rate (%):
  Total estimated cost of renting:
  Total estimated cost of buying:

Complete your monthly loan payments.

Use this calculator to find out how much your monthly
payment will be based on a specific loan amount.
Principal/Loan Amount: $ %
Interest Rate: %
Number of Payments: %
Monthly Payment: $ %

Figure out if there is a benefit & saving.

Current Loan Information

Annual interest rate of current mortgage $ %
Current monthly mortgage payment $ %
Oustanding balance on current mortgage $ %

Refinance Information

Refinanced loan amount $ %
Mortgage Term %
Interest Rate $ %

Calculate Results

New monthly mortgage payment $ %
Monthly savings vs. old payment $ %
Potential savings over life of the loan $ %

Figure how long before your savings equal the cost of obtaining a new consolidation loan.

This calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should consolidate your debt at a lower, tax deductible interest rate with a home equity loan or second mortgage. It will also calculate how many months it will take to break even on the closing costs.

Note: When entering numbers into the data fields only use numbers and applicable decimal points. Entering commas, dollar signs, or any other non-numeric characters will cause an error. You must have JavaScript enabled on your browser to use this calculator.
Debts you want to Consolidate
Debt Creditor Amount
Debts you want to Consolidate

Debt Consolidation Loan
Enter interest rate for the debt consolidation loan:
Enter the loan term:
Enter the closing costs :
(Typically, total closing costs run 2% of the loan amount)
Would you like to finance the closing costs?

The Results
What your monthly payment will be if you consolidate your debt:
Reduction in Monthly Payments:
Number of months to "break even":
Note: Amounts are estimates only.

Figure your monthly payment (PITI) including principal, interest, real estate taxes, hazard and mortgage insurance.

Use our mortgage calculator to determine your monthly payment amount. Estimate your taxes and insurance so that these amounts will be included in the payment calculation. Enter amounts in the fields below and the mortgage calculator will give you your monthly mortgage payment amount!

Mortgage Calculator

Loan Amount:
Annual Tax:
Annual Insurance:

Mortgage Calculation Results

Monthly Principal + Interest:
Monthly Tax:
Monthly Ins:
Total Monthly Payment:

This calculator will amortize your mortgage over the loan period based on your input.

First Payment Year Years
Mortgage Amount Years
Interest Rate %
Mortgage Length Years
Payment Frequency Years
Payment Amount Years
Total Interest Years