Welcome to Lexington Home Loans's website. This section explains our policy regarding any personal information you might supply to us when you visit this site. Our goal is to protect your information on the Internet in the same way that we protect it in all the other ways we interact with you: in branches and on the phone.
You can visit this site and find out about our products and services, read about our company, check on career opportunities, get a news update or other value-added services without giving us any information about yourself.
If you do provide personal information such as your address, e-mail, telephone, fax numbers, demographic, and customer identification, it will be sent to us over a secure connection using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.
We will maintain this information as well as your business activities and transactions with our usual strict security and confidentiality standards.
In order to provide better service, we use "cookies." A cookie is a small piece of information which a website stores on your web browser on your computer and can later retrieve. The cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that sets the cookie. We use cookies for a number of administrative purposes. For example, to store your preferences for certain kinds of information or to store a password so that you do not have to input it every time you visit our site.
Most cookies last only through a single session, or visit. None will contain information that will enable anyone to contact you by telephone, e-mail, or postal mail. You can set up your web browser to inform you when cookies are sent, or to prevent cookies from being set.
We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to only those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard your nonpublic personal information against unauthorized access or use.
Maintaining the accuracy of your information is a shared responsibility. We maintain the integrity of the information you provide us and will update your records when you notify us a change. Please contact us at the address or phone number listed below when information concerning you changes.
Lexington Home Loans (LHL) is serious about safeguarding your personal information online. This is why Lexington Home Loans (LHL) uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt your personal information such as User IDs, passwords, and account information over the internet. Any information provided to you is scramble en route and decoded once it reaches your browser. The Internet is and will continue to be the source of many new opportunities. Those who get the most out of those opportunities will be those who use them wisely. Although the information below is not exhaustive, it contains some key points that will help you use the Internet in a more secure manner. Use these points with caution and good judgment.
Submitting Forms Online
Information you provide via electronic forms on the Lexington Home Loans (LHL) website is secure and encrypted in most instance. In other words, it is scrambled en route and decoded once it reaches Lexington Home Loans (LHL). You may check that your web session is secure by looking for a small lock symbol usually located in the lower corner of you web browser window. Current versions of leading web browsers indicate when a web page is encrypted for transmission through this symbol. You may also look for the letters at the beginning of your website URL in your web browser. This means that the web connection is secure.
Sending E-mail
E-mail sent within the website is secure. However, e-mail sent to us through other means may not be secure unless we advise you that security measures will be in place prior to your transmitting the information. Therefore, we ask you that you do not send confidential information such as social security or account numbers to us via an unsecured e-mail. Such communications should be sent to us via postal mail or you may call
1.888.548.0553 or visit one of our offices.
Links to Third Party Websites
Lexington Home Loans (LHL) is not responsible for the information practices employed by sites linked to or from our website. In most cases, links to non-Lexington Home Loans (LHL) websites are provided solely as pointers to information on topics that may be useful to the users of the Lexington Home Loans (LHL) website. Third party websites may have different privacy policy and/or security standards governing their sites.
Security Enforcement
Employee Conduct. The Lexington Home Loans (LHL) Corporate Code of Conduct expresses our absolute commitment to integrity, our related corporate values and ethical standards and the associated business conduct we expect from all our employees. The Code of Conduct includes very specific guidelines concerning the safeguarding of confidential information, which includes customer information. In general, these guidelines limit employee access to confidential information, and limit the use and disclosure of such information to specifically authorized processes and transactions. If it is determined that employees have violated the Code of Conduct, corrective action may be taken, including dismissal.
Verification of Practices
Periodically, our operations and business practices are reviewed for compliance with corporate policies and procedures governing the confidentiality of information. These reviews are conducted by our own internal staff, Lexington Home Loans (LHL) auditors who report directly to the Lexington Home Loans (LHL) Board of Directors, external accounting and auditing firms and government regulators. Included in these sell assessments and examinations are reviews of the controls and safeguards related to consumer privacy which are described in our Lexington Home Loans (LHL) Privacy Policy.
Consumer Recourse
If you believe we have not complied with our stated privacy policies concerning our usage of personally identifiable information that we may collect over the Internet, or that information we have provided to you based upon your Internet activity is inaccurate, you may contact us.
Children Visiting Our Website
Our website is directed at customers and potential customers, most of whom are adults. However, children may access our website and provide information. For example, they may request information concerning our products and services and apply for certain products and services such as student loans. Should children access our website, we are confident that parents will not judge any of the information provided as objectionable for viewing by their children. Parents can avail themselves of various software packages that are available to prevent their children from accessing websites which they deem to be inappropriate. Parents can choose to utilize this and other methods to limit the websites which their children have access.